Video Portrait Packages
Due to the nature of multimedia, the possibilities of what you might commission us to do are potentially unlimited. To help you get started we offer three Video Portrait packages with marked differences in scope, complexity and time requirements. Although all our packages are customizable with Options and Add-ons, Base Packages have been designed to cover most clients needs. Also packages can be combined or be built upon over time. For instance a series of interviews and support images can be cut together into a more career oriented 20 minute Tribute to be shown at a private event or public tribute page, and then later recombined with more in-depth and personal material into a focused 75 minute Biography format intended solely for close family and friends. Please contact us to discuss your needs, and a written quote will be supplied on a per case basis.
Video Portrait Packages: starting at $2,895.
A. The Record:
Getting the Stories

Intended as a private legacy, this is a lightly edited video recording of a conversation between a professional conversation guide or interviewer (usually Peter), and either you or a person of your choice, either about you or someone of your choice. The video recording set-ups are simple, nonintimidating and well lit to ensure that solid broadcast quality footage is captured of as many of the subject’s signature stories and key remembrances as is possible during a couple of recording sessions. The Record is essentially the field production phase of a video portrait —The Portrait— minus the labour-intensive weaving in of postproduction filmmaking values. The Record is the raw thread and as such tends to be longer in duration than our other offerings. Nevertheless, it is titled, organized and credited so that it can stand alone or later be spun and woven into a Portrait or Biography.
B. The Portrait:
The Essential Video Portrait

Intended as a private legacy, this is a fully edited mid-length video memoir between a professional conversation guide or interviewer (usually Peter), and either you or a person of your choice, either about you or someone of your choice. The set-ups, which are simple, nonintimidating and well lit, are intended to elicit the subject’s signature stories accumulated over the course of an interesting life to be woven together with visual support materials (eg. photographs) that you supply. More memoir than biography, The Portrait seizes on the familiar essence of the subject, in their own voice, and then weaves it together in post-production with additional images, footage, sound and music to render a portrait their spirit as a finely woven fabric rather than a comprehensive chronology of their life.
C. The Tribute:
Professional Video Presentation

Intended to be sharable in some public way, such as at an event or an online tribute page, The Tribute is a tightly edited showcase of the unique accomplishments of the film’s honoured subject in a short to mid-length energized presentation package that hits the high points of his or her life and/or career while striking a tasteful balance between celebration and entertainment. It is the Video Portrait with built-in praise. Although the balance of personal life to career will vary with each subject, stories are typically chronological, constructed around a central conversation with the subject supported both with brief additional contributions by family, close friends and notable business associates as well as visual material that you supply to us.
Base Package Details: The Record
- Up to two 1.5 -hour pre-production consultation meetings and scouting sessions both for our reconnaissance to enable us to get acquainted, understand your priorities, build questions and plan the sessions as well as help you prepare for them.
- Based on the pre-production consultations, we will prepare a customized outline of the key stories and events, time-frames, themes and areas of questioning as a rough guide to help you, the subjects or additional commenters prepare for the recording sessions. It is understood that unexpected moments of spontaneity will support our common goal of achieving the most authentic and engaging capture of the spirit of the subject. Therefore specific questions will not generally be given out in advance as doing so tends to encourage unnatural delivery of rehearsed answers. Rest assured however that, as our objective is to keep the subject relaxed and enjoying the experience, the questions will relate to stories, themes and areas the subject knows well and is comfortable answering based upon our pre-production research.
- Up to two 90 minute video recording sessions at locations of our mutual agreement, typically your home.
- Loosely edited broadcast quality footage, titled and credited, up to the total duration of the recording sessions (in HD format), delivered on DVD or Blueray.
- 3 DVD or Blueray disks in Customized Video Portrait Case incorporating the subject’s Photographic Portrait (portrait of sufficient quality and resolution must be provided).
- Licensing for private use.
Options & Add-ons
- Travel over 50 km, and any other additional travel costs for producer, director and crew.
- Additional pre- and post-production meetings.
- Inclusion, where editorially appropriate, of up to 50 digital images (labelled, and of sufficient quality and resolution) that you will supply
- Additional or extended recording sessions with the subject, colleagues, peers, friends, family.
- Incorporation of compatibly formatted video clips you may supply based on consultation with us.
- Re-encoding/conversion of supplied video clips, if possible, to match production format.
- Scanning, image restoration and other Photoshop work required on images to be incorporated into the project.
- Colour and black & white printing of images from the project.
- Narration script written, performed, recorded and edited.
- Custom 3D titling.
- Colour grading and styling of the video.
- Creation of full soundscape soundtracks creation including the auditioning or original commissioning of musical scores and sound effects along with necessary rights clearances
- Photographic Portraiture for the Case Cover portrait as well as any other photographic services required: details available upon request.
- Professionally edited transcript of the interview(s). Pricing per case based upon time and complexity.
- Additional DVD or Blueray disks.
- Copyright protected file of fully mastered project on the appropriate media (media is project dependent).
- Negotiated licensing in whole or in part for broadcast or publication (e.g. internet, media, public museum, podcast, audio/video newsletter).
Typical Record Clients
- Individuals:
People on a budget wanting to ensure that a video record is captured while it can be and/or who may want to delay or forego altogether the commitment to a fully edited video portrait:
- Men and women of a certain age wishing to capture their spirit, knowledge, wisdom and stories, and intended as a legacy gift to their family and/or close friends.
- Family members or close friends: Purchased as a gift to the subject in his or her honour by family or friends trying to capture the essential character knowledge and stories of the subject, and the key events of his or her life.
Younger people hitting a key milestone in their lives: starting school, entering university, graduating, launching a career, getting married, starting a family… moments in time that in retrospect will provide a snapshot of: ‘What were they thinking when…’
Public institutions such as museums and historical societies gathering a database of oral or video histories.
Public institutions such as museums and historical societies gathering a database of oral or video histories.
Base Package Details: The Portrait
- Up to two 1.5 -hour pre-production consultation meetings and scouting sessions including a pre-view of images under consideration, for potential incorporation into the project.
- Based on the pre-production consultations, we will prepare a customized outline of the key stories and events, time-frames, themes and areas of questioning as a rough guide to help you, the subjects or additional commenters prepare for the recording sessions. It is understood that unexpected moments of spontaneity will support our common goal of achieving the most authentic and engaging capture of the spirit of the subject. Therefore specific questions will not generally be given out in advance as doing so tends to encourage unnatural delivery of rehearsed answers. Rest assured however that, as our objective is to keep the subject relaxed and enjoying the experience, the questions will relate to stories, themes and areas the subject knows well and is comfortable answering based upon our pre-production research.
- Up to two 90 minute video recording sessions at locations of our mutual agreement, typically the subject’s home. Some of the recording may be in a cinéma vérité documentary style of the subject engaging in his or her daily activities and interests.
- Inclusion, where editorially appropriate, of up to 50 digital images (labelled and of sufficient quality and resolution) that you will supply.
- An opportunity to provide feedback and fact checking at key points in the post-production before picture lock and the final cut.
- Edited, mastered, final broadcast quality 30 – 50 minute video (in HD format), delivered on a DVD or Blueray disk.
- 3 DVD or Blueray disks in Customized Video Portrait Case incorporating the subject’s Photographic Portrait (portrait of sufficient quality and resolution must be provided).
- Licensing for private use.
Options & Add-ons
- Travel over 50 km, and any other additional travel costs for producer, director and crew.
- Additional pre- and post-production meetings.
- Additional or extended recording sessions with the subject, colleagues, peers, friends, family.
- Incorporation of compatibly formatted video clips you may supply based on consultation with us.
- Re-encoding/conversion of supplied video clips, if possible, to match production format.
- Scanning, image restoration and other Photoshop work required on images to be incorporated into the project.
- Colour and black & white printing of images from the project.
- Narration script written, performed, recorded and edited.
- Custom 3D titling.
- Colour grading and styling of the video.
- Creation of full soundscape soundtracks creation including the auditioning or original commissioning of musical scores and sound effects along with necessary rights clearances
- Photographic Portraiture for the Case Cover portrait as well as any other photographic services required: details available upon request.
- Professionally edited transcript of the interview(s). Pricing per case based upon time and complexity.
- Additional DVD or Blueray disks.
- Copyright protected file of fully mastered project on the appropriate media (media is project dependent).
- Negotiated licensing in whole or in part for broadcast or publication (e.g. internet, media, public museum, podcast, audio/video newsletter).
Typical Portrait Clients
- Men and women of a certain age wishing to capture their spirit, knowledge, wisdom and stories, and intended as a legacy gift to their family and/or close friends.
- Family members or close friends: Purchased as a gift to the subject in his or her honour by family or friends trying to capture the essential character knowledge and stories of the subject, and the key events of his or her life.
- Institutional:
Companies wishing to purchase a private gift to honour a respected board member, executive, member, volunteer or donor.
Base Package Details: The Tribute
- Up to two 1.5 -hour pre-production consultation meetings and scouting sessions including a pre-view of images under consideration, for potential incorporation into the project.
- Based on the pre-production consultations, we will prepare a customized outline of the key stories and events, time-frames, themes and areas of questioning as a rough guide to help you, the subjects or additional commenters prepare for the recording sessions. It is understood that unexpected moments of spontaneity will support our common goal of achieving the most authentic and engaging capture of the spirit of the subject. Therefore specific questions will not generally be given out in advance as doing so tends to encourage unnatural delivery of rehearsed answers. Rest assured however that, as our objective is to keep the subject relaxed and enjoying the experience, the questions will relate to stories, themes and areas the subject knows well and is comfortable answering based upon our pre-production research.
- Up to three 90 minute video recording sessions at locations of our mutual agreement with one to three interview subjects at each session.
- Inclusion, where editorially appropriate, of up to 30 digital images (labelled, and of sufficient quality and resolution) that you will supply.
- Up to one minute of narration script written, performed, recorded and edited.
- As long as time allows, an opportunity to provide feedback and fact checking at key points in the post-production before picture lock and the final cut.
- Edited, mastered, final broadcast quality 10 – 20 minute video (in HD format), delivered on a DVD or Blueray disk.
- 3 DVD or Blueray disks in Customized Tribute Case incorporating the subject’s Portrait (portrait of sufficient quality and resolution must be provided).
- Licencing for private viewing as well as private event presentation.
Options & Add-ons
- Travel over 50 km, and any other additional travel costs for producer, director and crew.
- Additional pre- and post-production meetings.
- Additional or extended recording sessions with the subject, colleagues, peers, friends, family.
- Incorporation of compatibly formatted video clips you may supply based on consultation with us.
- Re-encoding/conversion of supplied video clips, if possible, to match production format.
- Scanning, image restoration and other Photoshop work required on images to be incorporated into the project.
- Colour and black & white printing.
- Photographic Portraiture for the Case Cover portrait as well as any other photographic services required: details available upon request.
- Professionally edited transcript of the interview(s). Pricing per case based upon time and complexity.
- Narration performance by a familiar celebrity.
- Custom 3D titling.
- Edited final broadcast quality short version (3-10 minutes as required) audio visual slideshow, delivered on a DVD or Blueray disk.
- Additional DVD or Blueray disks.
- Copyright protected file of fully mastered project on the appropriate media (media is project dependent).
- Negotiated licensing in whole or in part for broadcast or publication (e.g. internet, media, public museum, podcast, video newsletter).
Typical Tribute Clients
- Companies, Institutions, Not-For-Profit Organizations:
Corporations, Banks, Major public institutions as a gift to publicly honour a respected board member, executive, member, volunteer or donor.
- Individuals:
Corporate executives, celebrities & their families and friends wanting to capture the spirit, knowledge and stories of an honoured colleague/administrator/volunteer/employee that can be used as a legacy gift to their family/friends.
- Friends or family members:
Purchased as a gift to the subject in his or her honour by family or friends trying to capture the achievements of that subject.